I'm sorry to keep harping on this, but one can see from these pictures
that the ring gear MUST be locked to the housing in order for the motor
to work. The commutator was smeared, and I was looking at dressing it
with a broken-off hack saw blade. Firmly pushing it against a medium wire wheel
spun by a two horse motor got rid of all the copper trails.
Observe below: the housing is made from soft iron in an effort to keep the stator
magnets small. It was a mass of rust. I 'wheeled it and set it aside. The next day,
it was streaked with rust again. I 'wheeled it again and looked through my chemicals.
The first heat-proof paint I found was clear; it will do for now.
When I re-assemble for good, I'll mask it off; blast it with a course grit; then
shoot it silver, probably with Rustoleum since I've had such good luck with it.
In the shot immediately above, one can see a little bit of the rust bloom.
That's about fifteen minutes unprotected before I could shoot a little WD40 over it.